Übergabe des Projekte Dillener Quartier der CHS Container Group. Mehrere Personen stehen vor der Kamera und lächeln in die Kamera.

Ceremonial handover of keys for the “Dillener Quartier” project

Yesterday was a big day for our construction project in the Dillener Quartier! The keys for the new school were handed over and we were able to welcome some special guests.

From our side, the CHS Container Group, both the project managers and the management were on site to celebrate the event and present an inauguration gift.

So far there are already 46 registrations and more are expected! The classrooms are a generous 65 square meters in size and there are even plans for an extension to include a kindergarten.

We are excited about the future and the many adventures that await the students in this new school!

Ein Container bei einer CSC Prüfung bei der CHS Container Group
  • Regional

CSC examination at CHS

– (14.08.2024) In der vergangenen Woche führte das Team von der CHS Spezialcontainer – Shelter and Engineering GmbH eine CSC-Prüfung bei uns im Hause durch. Hierbei kam unsere ...

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Ein Gruppenfoto von allen Beteiligten am Unternehmensausflug der CHS Spezialcontainer Shelter and Engineering GmbH
  • Team CHS

Company outing CHS Spezialcontainer

– On September 13, we had an unforgettable day full of fun and team spirit! With a large group from CHS Spezialcontainer – Shelter and Engineering GmbH and ...

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Zwei Männer lächeln sich an und stehen vor einem Stück Metall. Der eine Mann hält dabei ein Tablet in der Hand.
  • International

Your partner for certified quality

– At CHS Container Group, we set the highest standards in all areas. Our ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications guarantee you excellent quality, environmental and ...

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